IATSE Local B18
450 Harrison St, Rm 208
San Francisco, CA 94105
phone: 1-415-974-0860
Member Services:
Regular membership meetings usually take place on the second Monday of the first month of each quarter (January, April, July, and October) at 6:30pm at B18's office location. (The July meeting may be suspended by the membership.)
As the Standing Rules stipulate:
9. When members speak they shall rise and address the presiding officer, confining themselves strictly
to the merits of the question upon consideration. A member shall not be interrupted while speaking,
unless by the presiding officer, who may call to order, or to admonish a closer adherence to the subject,
or to avoid all personalities. Nor shall a member be allowed to speak more than twice on the same subject
without the permission of the presiding officer. When two or more members rise at once, the presiding officer
shall decide who shall speak first.
13. No person who is not a member shall be allowed at any of the meetings without the consent of this Local.
B18 Constitution - CLICK HERE for a PDF of the current constitution. This includes the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Local.
Change of Address or Change in Employment - The B18 constitution and bylaws require that members keep the Local informed whenever there is a change in address (or other contact information) and when there is a change in employment (you stop working for a B18 employer or you add a venue to your work schedule).
This can be done by writing or calling the office, or e-mailing the new information to Member Services.
If you decide to withdraw from B18, please don't think that not paying membership fees is sufficient notice. The office needs to know,
preferably as soon as you stop working (see B18's constitution and bylaws: Article 3, Sec.3).
And please consider Honorable Withdrawal if you are leaving. The form to apply for that can be downloaded immediately below.
(These need to be filled out and submitted on paper.)
Note that, when applying, a person should already be working at a B18-represented venue.
When applying for membership, the following fees are due:
$90 Local B18 initiation fee (refundable, if application is rejected)
$10 processing fee charged by the International (non-refundable)
$72 annual dues (refundable, if application is rejected)
One payment of $172 should be included with the paper application (available at "FORMS" above) when mailed. Online pay may be available soon. DO NOT MAKE ANY PAYMENTS TO B18 over the phone or online at this time.
Shop stewards are listed under their respective venues on the VENUES page.
Use the
Membership Fees link to the left for details.
Please see the
Related Links page for details.
Page updated May 17, 2022
Theatrical Employees Local B18 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees |