IATSE Local B18
450 Harrison St, Rm 208
San Francisco, CA 94105
phone: 1-415-974-0860
Member Services:
[described in Article VII of the constitution and bylaws of B18 as revised in 2016]
Section 1. President
The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and of the Executive Board. The President shall at all times conduct the same in accordance with this Constitution and Bylaws and the Standing Rules attached hereto. For misconduct during the course of a meeting, a member may be summarily fined in an amount not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) for each separate offense, or at the discretion of the President, the member may be summarily ejected from the meeting if the member's conduct persists in disrupting the meeting.
In the absence of a specific law to govern a given condition, the President shall decide the matter in a spirit of fairness and equity and such ruling shall be enforced unless changed by the Executive Board or the membership.
The President shall see that all officers perform their duties as prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws and shall be member Ex-Officio of all committees.
The President shall, with the consent of the Executive Board, use all moral and financial aid in enforcing the rules, wage scales, and conditions of this Local.
The President shall appoint the members of all committees.
The President shall sign all orders on the treasury legally authorized by the Local, and shall sign all checks.
If a vacancy should occur during the term of any officer of this Local, the President shall have the power to appoint a member in good standing to take the officer's place temporarily until the vacancy shall have been filled by the membership at a By-Election.
In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President until the vacancy shall have been filled by the membership at a By-Election. By-Elections must be held within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the vacancy was created.
By virtue of the office, the President shall be the first alternate delegate to all conventions and/or trade assemblies as shall be of Interest and Importance to this Local. The President shall also be empowered to appoint Delegates to such conventions or trade assemblies (other than those named in this Article) as shall be of Interest and Importance to this Local.
Section 2. Vice-President
In absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume all duties of the President. In the absence of the President and Vice-President at a meeting, the body shall select a presiding officer.
By virtue of his office, the Vice-President shall be the second alternate to all conventions and/or trade assemblies as shall be of Interest and Importance to this Local.
Section 3. Secretary-Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to attend all meetings of the membership and the Executive Board. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep minutes, but not necessarily verbatim, of the proceedings of such meetings in a book provided for such purposes. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a duplicate copy of all correspondence and shall keep the seal in the Secretary-Treasurer's possession.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall have ballots prepared with the names of the candidates arranged in alphabetical order; one ballot to be delivered to each member entitled to vote. The seal of this organization shall be placed on the ballots.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall deposit all money in a bank approved by the Executive Board, same to be in the name of the Local, subject to withdrawal by checks signed by Secretary -Treasurer and the President.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect all dues, fines and assessments from the members and shall report quarterly to the meeting on the standing of all members.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall deliver to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for auditing purposes all books and papers in the Secretary-Treasurer's possession and shall attend such auditing meetings.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall pay all demands on the treasury by check when ordered paid at regular meetings of the membership or of the Executive Board, and shall make a quarterly report of the financial condition of the Local.
Section 4. Business Agent
The Business Agent shall supply employers with manpower when called upon to do so. The Business Agent shall keep a correct list of all work given out, as well as a list of unemployed members.
The Business Agent shall report to the Executive Board all alleged violations by members of the laws of the Local.
The Business Agent shall perform such duties as ordered by the membership or by the Executive Board between membership meetings. The Business Agent shall have full charge of the office of this Union, represent the Local in all dealings with employers, but shall at all times be under the supervision of the Executive Board.
The Business Agent shall render a verbal report at each Executive Board meeting of all union business transacted by him/her in the interim.
The Business Agent shall conduct all contract negotiations with the Employers, subject to the concurrence of the Executive Board and ratified by a majority of members present at a General or Special meeting.
The office defined by Section 3 and 4 shall be combined, subject to the discretion of the Executive Board.
By virtue of his or her office, the Business Agent shall be a delegate to all conventions and/or trade assemblies as shall be of Interest and Importance to this Local. The Business Agent shall also be a delegate to the Central Labor Council.
Section 5. Board of Trustees
The books of this Local must be audited every six (6) months by the Board of Trustees, who will make a detailed report of their findings at the next regular meeting.
The Board of Trustees is charged with the responsibility of seeing to it that any officers and employees of this Local who handle its funds and property are bonded for the faithful discharge of their duties to the extent and in the amount and form required by law. The expense of such bonds shall be borne by the Local.
The Board of Trustees shall also be responsible for seeing to it that all books and records of the Local, used as the basis for preparing reports required by law to be filed with the Government, are preserved for at least five (5) years from the dates such reports were filed.
Section 6. Executive Board
Article VI, Section 1, specifies that the Executive consists of the President, Vice-President, Business Agent, Secretary-Treasurer, and two (2) Executive Board Members at-large.
The Executive Board shall investigate all complaints of members and decide if possible upon all questions in dispute between employer and employee, accepting any honorable means towards an amicable settlement that may be deemed essential to the best interest of this organization.
The Executive Board shall decide upon all matters referred to them by the membership and their decision shall be binding unless reversed by a majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting of the Local. The Executive Board shall act as a trial board of this Local unless the member elects to be tried at an open meeting as provided in Article XII, Section 14, hereof [the B18 constitution]. They shall have the power to summon as a witness any member, and those failing to answer may be adjudged in contempt and penalized for same by fine or suspension.
The Executive Board shall act for the Local in the interims between meetings of the general body and shall have the authority to perform any act which the general membership can perform and which may require immediate attention.
All business transacted by the Executive Board must be reported at the following regular meeting of the membership.
Section 7. Sergeant-at-Arms
It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to be present at all membership meetings and see that none but members enter the meeting hall and to carry out such instructions as are given to him/her by the presiding officers.
[from Articles VI and VII of the constitution and bylaws of B18
in effect starting January 1, 2018]
Theatrical Employees Local B18 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees |